antara bentuk2 galaksi yg ada dalam alam semesta ... indahnya ciptaan ALLAH ... drpd bima sakti , hinggalah yg x d namakan .. membuktikan kekuasaan MAHA PENCIPTA kpd kita .. betapa kerdilnya diri kita jika hendak dibandingkan dgn ciptaan-NYA yg lain .. dan di bwh ini sy sertakan beberapa info tntg galaksi .
galaksi terbentuk drpd zarah2 radiasi dan sub atom..bentuk2 galaksi , dipengaruhi oleh keadaan persekitarannya ...
* The shapes of galaxies are influenced by their neighbors, and, often, galaxies collide. The Milky Way is itself on a collision course with our nearest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy. Even though it is the same age as the Milky Way, Hubble observations reveal that the stars in Andromeda's halo are much younger than those in the Milky Way. From this and other evidence, astronomers infer that Andromeda has already smashed into at least one and maybe several other galaxies.
sumber :
galaksi yg kita diami skrg , iaitu bima sakti , terdiri drpd beratus billion bintang dan zarah2 gas dan debu yg ckup utk melahirkan lbih bnyk lg bintang ... dan semua ini , terbentuk dgn kuasa ALLAH melalui hmba NYA yg di beri nama graviti .. sebagai tambahan ,
*the Milky Way has a spiral shape. At the center of the spiral, a lot of energy and, occasionally, vivid flares. are being generated. Based on the immense gravity that would be required explain the movement of stars and the energy expelled, the astronomers conclude that the center of the Milky Way is a supermassive black hole..
sekian perkongsian kali ini..sbgai percubaan pertama sy dlm dunia blog... ^_^
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